
Yep, this is kind of an egocentric thing, isn’t it? I’m obsessed with writing and always have a couple of projects in play. Never worried too much about publication but I guess that writers do get to that point when it’s only logical to find homes for their babies. I’m working on that with some books I’ve written and this is one of them.

I originally wrote it in the first few months after I received my MA in fiction from Johns Hopkins University in 2007. In my first post I talked about sending it out and realizing that there was no real reason for anyone to publish the book since I’m pretty much an unknown. I did have someone come up to me after a reading at this local thing last year who told me that they had heard of me! Thank you dear nameless lady! I do have some stories published in some lit mags and I’ve had poetry in a collection and a short story in an anthology, so just getting started in the literary world.

My purpose here is to gather information about what other people think of writing programs. They’ve grown a lot in recent years but do they really help? And what should our expectations be when we apply to a program? Help me out here.  Mary

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